
You’re about to learn a cold hard truth.

It’s going to upset you.

… in fact it will probably make you want to close this video and forget you ever saw it.

But I’ll make you a promise:

Stop what you're doing...

Close all your other tabs and read this page until the end...

Because by the time you’re through with this short presentation, you’ll have a whole new life ahead of you.

You're just minutes away from learning a secret trick....

That will save you thousands of dollars a year...

If soaring prices are driving you to an early grave and you are looking for a simple way to cut down on your monthly costs...

Something that doesn't require much of your time, effort or technical skills...

And something that you can use to start saving money right away...

Then watching this short video may be the single most valuable thing you've done in a while.

You’ll discover an ingenious, yet, dumb-simple method to kick the greedy power companies out of your home starting next week .

This simple invention can allow you to generate enough electricity to slash your monthly power bill by 70%... 80%... or even 100% starting tomorrow…

In fact, by the time you’ve finished watching this brief presentation…

You’ll be OUTRAGED that you ever put one single penny into the golden coffers of the greedy power corporations.

Total, this simple solution to energy independence will take you about 4 hours to make…

And the design is so brilliantly simple…. I promise that even an 8 year old child could make it on their own.

So, pay close attention for the next few minutes…

You might want to take notes because this will be short and intense…

And smile to yourself as the next time one of your family members cranks the thermostat up to 75 degrees…

Or accidentally leaves the lights on in the family room all night…

You feel absolutely ZERO stress, anger or worry about what the costs will be…

Because you already know the answer is absolutely NOTHING.

Honestly, I’m so excited for you to join the 32,460 Americans who have already used this exact same energy generation method to free themselves from the clutches of Big Energy …

People like Peter Oliver from Admore, Oklahoma, who writes…

And George Adams, of Lafayette Louisiana, 64 year, who says…

Those are just a few of the hundreds of stories I get from people across the country every month.

And I know you’re curiosity is piqued, and you want to know exactly how this simple system works right now.

Honestly, you’ve never anything like this before and in 5 minutes from now, you will be furious about the fact that you ever gave Big Energy… a dime.

So, let me go ahead and tell you who I am…

And why I know the secret to going completely grid-free

My name is Bryan Farrell. I’m a 43 years old electrician, and I live in California, in a town called Eureka with my lovely wife Kate, our 2 daughters Charlotte and Grace, and our dog Buster.

I always thought of myself as a guy ready in any situation however in the winter of 2010, all of that changed…

We’d just been hit with the first major winter storm of the season,with more than 3 feet of snowfall in about 24 hours.

Now that’s nothing out of the norm for Eureka in January, so we gathered around the fireplace and spent a quiet family evening.

After that we all went to bed but something very bad was about to happen.

Around 4 am, Buster started barking and woke me up. After a few seconds the house started shaking .

The power was down in minutes.

I took my wife and my two daughters and ran in the basement. We panicked! My wife was crying... My daughters were screaming...

I felt helpless. I was scared. I felt that we were about to die... By miracle the house held out.

 After 2 minutes it all stoped , and we tried to get out of the basement  to see the damage that has been made by the earthquake but we couldn’t get out  because something collapsed  on the entrance of the basement.

We were trapped in the basement for 3 days with no electricity and  no heat and no phones because of the earthquake  . I can’t say that we were caught completely unprepared..we had a gas powered generator, a heater, blankets and some canned food. In the first day we were ok because we powered the heater ,  we had light  , and food and all we had to do was to stay calm and wait to be rescued.

The horror began the second day when our gas run out. I’ll never forget looking at my daughters and my wife, as they tried to sleep but instead just shivered and looked at me helplessly.

To this day, I can’t get that look out of my head. They  were probably thinking protect me, Dad …make it warm, Daddy …but I was as helpless as they were.

I rushed to them and wrapped my arms around them in a futile attempt to give them what little body heat I had… this was the most devastating moment of my life.

The next day we were saved and all ended well but ...

I felt like such a failure….

I felt so POWERLESS because there was nothing I could do to protect the ones I cared for most…

I was furious! …not only at the energy company , the phone company, F.E.M.A, the authorities …but even more so at myself for not beeing prepared for a situation like this.

And at that moment, I knew something had to change. I would never again leave my family in an un-prepared and vulnerable position like this again.

Well, I wasn’t about to leave my family’s safety and security to chance …and I knew that if I truly wanted to end my dependence on the Big Energy Monopolies … there was only 1 real solution...

"I had to take control of my home’s energy…
and make my own  power
…right at home."

That way, if the SHTF it won’t matter for me and my family …because I’ll be able to make all of the energy we need, from the comfort of my own home.

So, I began to immediately look at alternatives that would help my family escape big electric’s monopoly on our safety.

As my experience showed me gas generators were not an option in case of disasters and solar was out too because when an earthquake strikes it could be damaged so I had to find another way to achieve my dream.

That left me with only one option.

I was going to make sure I never let my family down again… and to get us energy-independent forever, I was going to have to find my own solution

So, I began researching day and night on websites, read journals, spoke with professionals about old and new devices that can really help me achieve my goal.

After studying and putting together a lot of energy generators - and I mean A LOT - some were bad, some were good, but none was able to provide the freedom I had dreamt of…

It wasn’t until 2 years later I got a reply from an electrical engineer who understood what I was going through and gave me some tips to help me to achieve my dream. I practically begged him to meet with me in person to share what he's been working on.

His name was Richard Turner.

I remember the first time I met Richard, we sat down at a local coffee shop and I asked him about his off-grid home and how it all worked.  What he told me that day was the biggest eye opener of my life.  In fact, I was jealous!

It sounded too good to be truth, so I had to see it with my own eyes. Usually I’m a shy guy but now I knew I had to ask him if he could show me a live demonstration. I knew it was a long shot but surprisingly Richard agreed to show me his home.

In that evening I met Richard at his address. When I stepped in his house I was as astonished… hundreds downlights and all were turned on, he had air conditioning in every room and all were turned on , TV’s ,refrigerators ,he even turned on the washing machine and despite  that he was still off grid. I was astonished so I asked him if he could show me his device.

He took me to his basement and he pointed his finger at a small device the size of a toolbox that was on a wood table in front of a small opened window. It was so silent that you couldn’t even hear it running...

That little thing could power an entire home easily... without burning gas...or without being dangerous! 

Everything looked so simple and so powerful at the same time!

I was fascinated with the device the moment I saw it.

Richard gave me some very rough plans on a piece of paper to get me started.

I was so excited to start generating my own independent source of energy for my family that I couldn't wait another day.

So as soon as I squeezed as much info from Richard as I could I drove down to my local hardware store and purchased all of the materials I needed right there.

I took my plans to the garage and got to work. I completed my self-powered electrical generator in just one afternoon!

When I got the plans from Richard I was actually a bit skeptical, I didn't think it would be this easy to build.

I was so anxious to see my new device working, that I tested it the very same day.

When I got my statement at the end of the month…

I was SHOCKED to see that instead of seeing a bill…

Inside the envelope there was actually a check FROM the electric company, to me, for $16.

That $16 meant that not only was I running my whole house for free…

It meant my project was more than a success: I had created my own "mini-power plant", and I no longer needed the electric company!

All it had taken me was about 3 hours of my time, and about $80 in initial costs…

And my family was 100% energy independent.

I loved the fact that I was teaching my daughters such a great lesson about not being dependent on the government or any corporations, for their safety…

And I felt so RELIEVED to know that they would always grow up in a warm, safe and comfortable home.

Well, not before long my friends and family members were beging to find out about my secret…

They’d been all bleeding money and were desperate to try something that would cut their bills.

But I was a little worried. Sure, this worked... but I was an electrician.

Would it work for someone else,
even if they’d never built anything before?

Would someone with absolutely ZERO technical skills would be able to do it, and enjoy the same results?

I needed to find out... so after spending a few more weeks tweaking the system, ,I soon discovered that I could even make it better and cheaper.

So I called Richard to talk to him about my ideas. He liked my ideas and agreed to work with me on improving his device.

So, every day after work, Richard and I got together and worked on this project…

To be 100% honest with you, it wasn't an overnight success. in fact, The final copy of our  blueprints wasn't finished until 1 year after that conversation with Richard!

It took so long because we tested it and re-tested it. We wanted our plans to be so simple that literally ANYBODY, even with little to zero building experience, could build their generator in a matter of hours.

And more than once, I think, Richard wanted to ring my neck for being so stubborn about the need for this to be cheap and simple to construct.

The final test…

I gave the simple building instructions that Richard and I had come up with…

to my friends and family members and waited for the results.

Every single one of them was able to successfully build and setup their own independent source of energy.

It was the solid proof we needed. Then we knew that anybody, no matter their age, sex or even location, could become self-reliant and protect themselves from the greedy energy corporations that only want to squeeze more money from our bank accounts.

We called it, The Energy Freedom Solution System !

In fact, this system was specifically designed so that ANYONE with one hand can build it.

I’ve heard from coffee shop workers, teachers, moms, sales guys…

And they’ve all been able to build ’’The Energy Freedom System’’ with no problems whatsoever… typically in about three hours.

The Energy Freedom System is a step-by-step guide showing you EXACTLY how to create your own "home power plant" TODAY… completely eliminating your electric bill in the next 30 days… guaranteed.

Just Imagine Having Your Entire Home Powered By ‘’ The Energy Freedom System’’

I want you to just close your eyes and think about what your life would be like with this incredible device powering your house.

Imagine waking up on a chilly morning and cranking on your heater without a single thought about how much it will cost you…

Or running the A.C. nonstop during the summer… so that even as it’s sweltering outside, you and your family remain blissfully cool in your home.

You might want to take notes because this will be short and intense…

This isn't the first time we've attempted to make The Energy Freedom System public.

The first time we did it, we were able to keep the doors open for almost two weeks.

Then the electric companies found out about it and managed to make us shut down our website.

Now we're back online - and hoping that this time we'll be able to stay up for more than just two weeks.

But the fact is, we don't have the money, the resources, or the emotional strength to be constantly battling an army of lawyers…

…so this could be taken down at any time.

Here's A Short Video Of The Device In Action:
You’re going to see how a $80 device generates “energy from air’’

Remember – this is a small scale of the

’’ Energy Freedom System’’

With larger scale devices the results are impressive.

It generates FREE electricity day in and day out, allowing you to slash your electricity bill by 80% or even 100%! Plus, the scaling trick that will get you off the grid for good and even make the electric company pay you for the electricity that you'll produce. You will discover how to get the optimal use from your Energy Freedom System setup.

•          You’ll be able to heat or cool your home, light-up your house and operate all your home appliances. It is destined to meet real energy needs like refrigerators, air conditioning and machines, because you'll get the inside scoop on how to make this device even more powerful.

•         It’s also incredibly portable – and is something you can take with you when you’re out camping… or if there’s a disaster or emergency and you need to retreat to somewhere remote.

What's more... because The Energy Freedom System is very light and portable, it's perfect for power emergencies.

No more freezing in the winter when the power goes off because of snow storms.

It is completely environmental friendly - no fumes are involved and you won't even hear it running, in fact, it is probably more environmentally friendly than solar power or wind power systems!

It makes no difference if it is raining outside or if it is too hot.

You don't need an expensive battery bank to store the excess electricity produced by this generator!

Plus, because The Energy Freedom System is so incredibly simple to build… and has so few moving parts…

This little mini-power-plant has virtually ZERO maintenance required.

It’s essentially a set-and-forget setup… and after a few months, you almost won’t remember that you ever used to pay for your electricity in the first place.

Here's what people think about the device:

People like Ron Cooper, of Hornbrook, California, 49 year, who says…

Here's what 71 year old John Ross from Florence, Alabama says...

And those are just a few of the thousands of emails I receive from happy customers all over the world…

People who have used The Energy Freedom System with amazing results.

So Here’s Why You Need To Try The Energy Freedom System Today…

Experts on the global economy are expecting wars to be fought over oil and natural gas. This is an opportunity you simply cannot afford to pass up.

Now, think about this... If there are free electricity options for your home, then why are you forking out up to $3,000 per year to power your home?

Of course, the green energy people are always talking about solar panels, but you can’t get one of those systems installed in your home for under $15,000…

And what will you do when the weather turns sour?

You’ll be stuck paying full price for gas and electricity and once again lining the pockets of the energy giants with your hard-earned cash…

Don’t think you’re technical? Don’t worry. I’ll walk you step-by-step through the entire process from choosing the tools to flicking your kitchen light switch on.

In fact, you’ll be shocked by how few steps there actually are…

And how short the list of materials you need to build this is.

Inside this system, which I’ll tell you how you can access in just a second…

You’ll see exactly what those steps are, along with a full materials list.

Because once you have it, you simply just look “over-my-shoulder” and copy exactly what I do…

And your Energy Freedom System will be finished before you even realize it.

Plus, you can either view or download to your computer, tablet, or smartphone…

You’ll be able to watch it from ANYWHERE, even if you decide to build your system down in the garage, or outside.

You’ll also be given guides and written instructions detailing EXACTLY how to connect your system to your electric box…

So that within 15 minutes of finishing your system…

You have a constant, non-stop stream of energy pumping through your home.

All of the materials you need to build this will cost $80 TOTAL…

But if you have a junkyard in your town, you can probably find about 90% of those materials for FREE.

You will NEVER have to pay a penny to the greedy electric companies again.

Here’s How To Get The Energy Freedom System Blueprints:

I started to get strange emails from someone at one of the local energy companies

The emails just said that they knew what I was up to, they didn’t like it and that if I didn’t stop then they would take legal action against me.

But in the last few weeks, the emails I’ve been receiving have become increasingly threatening…

To the point where some of them are even threatening with VIOLENCE against my family.

Which means that, the moment I think the danger has become to real… or too immediate…

I’ll have no choice but to take this website down forever.

So Here’s The Deal:

All the materials are in digital format and you can access it in just a few minutes.

Well, you need to first understand that there’s nothing else out there like The Energy Freedom System in existence.

Believe me: I tried.

I scoured the depths of the internet, talked with alternative energy experts, and even met with some energy startup hotshots…

Since you stand to save a good $30,000 over the next 10 years with The Energy Freedom System, we could easily charge $1,000 for our step by step detailed plans and blueprints.

Even if we could charge $500 for it... we won’t.

In fact... the only reason we're even charging a fee for the instructions and blueprints is to cover our Research & Development expenses... but most of all, to be able to keep this website up.

I’m going to set the price of The Energy Freedom System Blueprints at just $69.00.

I can’t guarantee that I can keep this price for longer, especially since we’re giving 60 days of unlimited email support… so don’t get mad if you come here in a few days and see that the price has gone back up.

And Really... The Price Doesn't Even Matter

That’s because you’re covered by “No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee” for 60 full days.

So, while $69.00 is obviously a killer deal for the complete Energy Freedom System kit…

I know that times are hard out there for lots of folks. I’ve been there myself not too long ago…

If it wasn’t for the Energy Freedom System who knows where my dear wife and I would be…

Even talking about it again gives me a pain in my stomach…

Which is why right now, only from this video... instead of paying the normal $69 retail prices for the Energy Freedom System

You can get the entire system - the blueprints, detailed materials list, illustrated instructions and over-the-shoulder videos…

For just $49.97

And this is a onetime fee. There are no hidden costs, no "auto-billing" or forced continuity... so you can feel safe when ordering today.

That's probably less than half of what you're paying each month on electricity... and you can recover that investment in as little as 30 days

Getting the blueprints for the Energy Freedom System is easy.

You'll get IMMEDIATE access to all the Blueprints, the step by step DIY manual, the video guides and the lists of tools and supplies...

And you can also download or print out as many copies of the list, guides and blueprints as you’d like.

Just Click The Big, Shiny, Inviting “Buy Now” Button Below  And You’ll Be Taken To Our Secure Order Page.

Plus, your purchase today comes with unlimited lifetime support.

You can email my team or me anytime you have a question, and we’ll promptly respond to you.

And if, for whatever reason you’re not happy with this decision…

Even if you don’t like the colors we use in our guides…

Or if you only end up saving $50 a month or even $100 a month and you wanted to save $150…

You can send me an email to my personal address, the one you’ll get in just a few seconds, and I’ll INSTANTLY refund your investment with no questions asked.

We'll refund the purchase to the very last cent - even if it's the 23rd hour of the 59th day.

Right now the choice is yours…

You could just let this presentation end and click away – trying to forget what you just heard?

Make that decision and each month will be more of the same…

Another outrageous bill for $120… $210… even $420 or more…

And that familiar sting in your gut from knowing that you could have chopped that energy bill by 90%...

Or even completely demolished it…

If you’d simply made the risk free investment in The Energy Freedom System today.

So, stop fighting an “energy war” in your own home with your family….

Get rid of the daily or weekly arguments over the thermostat forever…

Gain your freedom.

The answer you’ve been looking for is right in front of you…

And all it takes is the simple click of that button you see at the bellow.

I want you to just close your eyes and think about what your life would be like with The Energy Freedom System powering your house.

Imagine waking up on a chilly morning and cranking on your heater without a single thought about how much it will cost you…

Or running the A.C. nonstop during the summer… so that even as it’s sweltering outside, you and your family remain blissfully cool in your home.

Think about how it'll feel to open your electric bill each month and see that it’s under $10…

And if, for whatever reason you’re not happy with this decision…

You can send me an email to my personal address, the one you’ll get in just a few seconds, and I’ll INSTANTLY refund your investment with no questions asked.

We'll refund the purchase to the very last cent - even if it's the 23rd hour of the 59th day.

Right now the choice is yours…

You could just let this presentation end and click away – trying to forget what you just heard?

Make that decision and each month will be more of the same…

Another outrageous bill for $120… $210..or even more…

And that familiar sting in your gut from knowing that you could have reduced that energy bill...  

If you’d simply made the risk free investment in The Energy Freedom Solution today.

Get rid of the daily or weekly arguments over the thermostat forever…

The answer you’ve been looking for is right in front of you…

And all it takes is the simple click of that button you see at the bellow.        

I want you to just close your eyes and think about what your life would be like with The Energy Freedom Solution.

Imagine waking up on a chilly morning and cranking on your heater without a single thought about how much it will cost you…

Or running the A.C. nonstop during the summer… so that even as it’s sweltering outside, you and your family remain blissfully cool in your home.

Think about how it'll feel to open your electric bill each month and see that it’s under $10…

Or even better… that because you generated so much electricity… the “bill” you got from the power company is actually a check – paying YOU!

But even more than that, imagine the security and comfort that you’ll feel every night when you lay down to sleep knowing that your family is safe…

Safe from any sort of natural disaster and immune from the unfair price gouging by the greedy energy companies…

What would that kind of security and financial relief mean to you?

Could you finally start putting money into that college fund account for your kids that you’ve neglected because times are hard?

Maybe you’re like me and you can start putting that money towards your retirement so you can someday ditch your soul-sucking job and spend more time with your wife and kids…

Or you could just finally get a taste some of the good things in life that you’ve always wanted…

Like an once-in-a-lifetime family vacation that you or your kids will remember forever…

The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

But one thing is certain: you won’t be able to do any of that with the other types of alternative-energy systems on the market.

I want everyone to have the freedom and the power to save their hard earned money so they can keep their family safe and provide a comfortable and happy home.

Whether that means you’re saving an extra $1,000 or $2,000 a year on energy for your retirement…

Or you’re taking that money and heading out on a vacation to build a lifetime of joyful memories…

You’ll still always know that your home is a place where you and your family find shelter, warmth and comfort.

Let ME Take All The RISK For You.

If you find that the Energy Freedom System doesn’t help you to drastically reduce your electric bill by fully powering your home, just email me within 60 days of receiving your order to get a 100% refund.

No Questions! No Hassles! No Problems!

After all, we're all in this together. It's only a matter of time until the people rise up and say "We've had enough! We're not going to take this anymore!"

Well, we are all "the people" together, so you better believe we will honor our 60 day "No Questions Ever" money-back guarantee to you.

After you download this guide, I’m giving you an unheard-of 60 days with absolutely NO financial commitment on your part. If, at any point in those 60 days, you want to stop using the Energy Freedom System guide, no problem.

You’ll get your $49.97 refunded immediately. Of course, no one chooses to give up the free guide for life just to get their $49.97 back.

You’d have to be an idiot – no offense. I’ve set it up this way to make sure you understand. This is truly a no-brainer. It’s literally my gift to you. My way of bringing you with me, to where the savings are.

So go ahead.... click the yellow "Buy Now" button below... and grab your copy of the complete step by step Energy Freedom System plans with everything included... the complete detail... with a list of all the tools, parts and materials, too.

As soon as you click that button, you will be taken to our secure order page.

They are easily one of the biggest and most trusted online merchants in the world.

They handle many thousands of secure transactions every day so there is no risk to you.

After you've finalized your payment, you will be taken to our private Member's Area. This is where we keep the plans, blueprints, guide, lists and much more, including a surprise gift just to show you how much we appreciate you joining us and taking action.

You'll be able to view the over-the-shoulder video guide, the blueprints, the illustrated instructions and the material lists right from your computer, Smartphone or tablet.

You'll get IMMEDIATE access to all the Blueprints, the step by step DIY manual, the video guides and the lists of tools and supplies...for just $49.97.

You'll also be able to download all of the files and you can print out as many copies of the blueprints and materials lists as you'd like.

On top of your instant access, I'm also going to make sure that building the system, and running it, is one of the easiest, simplest, and most pain-free experiences you ever have in your life.

That's why, when you take advantage of this significant discounted investment price today...

You're also going to get unlimited customer support for LIFE.

So go ahead and invest in the Energy Freedom System right now...

And I'll look forward to seeing you inside that "members only" area in a few moments from now.


There are some questions that I keep receiving from people, and I’ll try to answer a few here.

1.How Much will I save?

The exact amount you save will depend on several factors, including how large your system is, the size of your home, and the amount of electricity you normally run in your home. Our average customer saves about $175 per month off their bill – though others with larger houses have saved significantly more.

2.How much energy will my Energy Freedom System produce?

Just like above, the amount of energy produced will depend on a few factors, namely the size of your generator and the size of your home. It is more than possible to produce 5000+ watts of electricity per day.

3.Is it hard to build?

Not at all! When I was designing this, I made it so simply that even an 8 year child could make it on their own. There’s very little physical labor, so even the elderly, or those with a bad back or other ailment should have no problem making it. The average build time is about three and a half hours.

4.What’s included again?

Inside you’ll get my comprehensive, step-by-step guide showing you exactly how to build your own Energy Freedom System. I made these guides with an ’’over-the-shoulder’’ approach, so it’s basically like I’m there in the room building it with you. You’ll also get the blueprints, full color steo-by-step directions, and the full materials list.


In order to keep him anonymous, the author used a pen name: Bryan Farrell.

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